Getting to know the insects
Insects participate in pollination by flying from flower to flower, but in fact ... what is an insect?
General morphology
The body of insects is composed of three distinct parts, from the front to the back of the body: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head carries a pair of antennae, a pair of eyes and the mouth, which consists of mouth parts. The legs are carried on the thorax. Most insects also have two pairs of wings on the thorax.
The place of insects in the classification
Insects are arthropods, with an external skeleton and jointed legs, such as Langoustines and Green Crabs. What differentiates insects from other arthropods is that they have 6 legs and also have a pair of antennae.
Le développement des insectes
Dans ce timelapse réalisé à partir de 2500 photos, vous pourrez voir une larve se transformer en abeille ouvrière. Confortablement installée dans une cellule de la ruche, une larve attend patiemment sa transformation en abeille ouvrière. La vidéo a été publiée dans la version électronique de National Geographic au Japon (mai 2015)